Hi & Hello!
I guess this is it! Whatever this is.
I wanted a place of my own where I can showcase my best and broadcast what I’m thinking to those who care enough to check -yet another- digital platform. To those of you who’ve found this site, let alone the blog portion: Thank you! I genuinely appreciate you and hope you find something that keeps you around.
I don’t know what to write for the first one other than to ask for patience with me during this whole setup process. I may have been working on this since February, but I’m learning that building and launching are completely different beasts. Blogging? What even is that?
Starting with what I’ve been up to - There has been a LOT of decompression after Anime Festival Orlando. I admit I bit off more than I could chew and gave myself a touch of burnout because of it. My husband and I moved two days after AFO, so we never got a chance to relax before being thrown into the chaos that is moving. We are a month later and just now starting to get things in a liveable situation. I can feel the bug coming back, so I’m starting to plan out my next big build.
As far as plans for the immediate future are concerned, I’d like to do something fun for Holiday Matsuri with Frieren’s and Seraphine’s wigs! We’ll see! If you’re here, let me know what kind of stuff you’d like to see in my blog for next time - whenever that is!